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The largest in Europe

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Corporate Social Responsibility

Each and every day, people and society are the central focus of IGO. IGO’s core values for its employees are ambition, attentiveness, honesty and reliability. Our employees reflect the same diversity found in our society. Every individual contributes his or her knowledge, experience and talents, and by doing so, enriches our organisation.

For many years now, IGO has been collaborating closely with Senzer, which supports people with poor job prospects. IGO offers people with physical disabilities or people who participate in a reintegration programme employment within a pleasant work environment.

IGO stimulates the health and vitality of its employees. That is why we provide employees with a portion of fresh fruit each day. In order to be and stay successful we develop continuously, as individuals and as an organisation. That is why we offer employees various training possibilities, which increases work enjoyment and knowledge within the company.

Working conditions and safety within our company are naturally our main concerns. We also greatly value this same approach from our national and international suppliers. We strive to make our norms and values regarding working conditions, safety and human rights known worldwide. We want to ensure that our products are being produced fairly, and under good working conditions.

IGO has also started various initiatives related to the environment. We have installed LED lighting in various places. In addition, most of our lighting is operated by sensors, which means they are automatically turned off when there is no one in the room. IGO also participates in ‘Warm Sweater Day’, a national initiative that focuses on energy saving. The thermostat is lowered and for one day, employees dress in warmer clothing.

IGO separates its paper waste. Furthermore, IGO has a bike plan in order to stimulate the use of bicycles instead of cars. Lastly, IGO has charging points for electric cars. This allows guests and employees to charge their hybrid or electric cars and thus use them optimally.

We also focus greatly on corporate social responsibility when undertaking new projects. In 2015, the logistics department was expanded and renovated. We also installed direct gas-fired heaters in the new lobby. These heaters consume 50% less gas compared to indirect gas-fired heaters. Through installing larger windows there is less need for artificial lighting. Furthermore, sunlight creates a pleasant work environment.

IGO is a commercial company with a profit objective.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact us at:

0800 43 46 989
07.30-16.30 (Fri 16)

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